
Showing posts from March 6, 2016

National Catholic Sisters Week

We pray... let us protect all creation; let us stop exploitation; let us welcome all; let us find peace; let us know healing; let us share what we have. Pray It Forward.....Prayer

National Catholic Sisters Week

Love/Compassion: For the sick, hungry, and homeless, we pray.    Let us share what we have. Every night in the U.S. 578,424 people experience homelessness. Of those 216,197  people are families. When you can, share what you have. Pray It Forward......Love/Compassion

National Catholic Sisters Week

Forgiveness For all who struggle with forgiveness, we pray.    Let us know healing. Forgiveness: It decreases stress It brings peace It liberates the soul It is divine. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Pray It Forward....Forgiveness

Lenten Musings

It's been an unusually dry season so far.  Yet, the bougainvillea plant blooms and it's brilliant flowers delighted all who came here for retreat.  In addition, the trees are shedding their leaves and I have managed to resist raking them all up.  Those I do rake, I compost.  It has been fun over the years watching this apparent waste turn into nutrient rich earth.  A deeper reflection makes me think that there is nothing too dry for God and God can take apparent nothingness and transform it into something good and beautiful and useful.  The retreat house has hosted many groups this lent.  Special among them for me were the students.  For morning prayer I took them around the garden stopping at various 'stations' to reflect and pray with different aspects of nature - the bougainvillea, the trees, the dry leaves, the compost, the water, the vegetables.  The idea being to make them more aware of the need to be grateful, to reverence and car...

National Catholic Sisters Week

Peace/Nonviolence For all who face violence, we pray.    Let us find peace. Violence kills 1.6 million people every year. Mothers Children Fathers Pray for peace in our hearts. In all hearts. Pray It Forward.....Peace/Nonviolence

National Catholic Sisters Week

Immigration For immigrants in search of better, safer lives, we pray.  Let us welcome all. 50 million people seek safety. They are fleeing violence, hunger, lives of desperation. Pray for their safety. Pray for the wisdom to welcome all.