A Community of Two Downsizes

My living area is so quiet and seems so empty. A Sister of Charity, with whom I have shared community for seven years, has moved back to the city where her motherhouse is, Cincinnati. At first I was looking forward to how I could spread out and have the whole floor to myself. I wouldn't have to worry about her moving my things or being annoyed when I could hear her phone conversations. As the day of departure drew closer I began to focus on what I would miss. Dee and I prayed together each weekday morning, a time we both treasured. When we had a disagreement I always knew we would resolve it because we both worked on being forgiving persons. Besides, Dee never held a grudge. She did many thoughtful things around the house, such as baking breads and cookies, buying treats she knew I liked, and taking care of minor repairs. She truly embodies the spirit of her congregation--charity. She has a very compassionate heart, and she not only prayed for those who were in special need...