God's Grace

Are you aware of the “certainties” in your life? What can you really count on? We live in a time of remarkable change so perhaps “change” may be one of the certainties in your life. Living in a world of uncertainties we question, worry and doubt arise. Our trust and faith may be shaky. Last summer I participated in a retreat as a team member. The particular theme was “Living in the Certainty of Grace.” resonated with me and has been an inspiration of three other retreats that I have led in the past six months. I realize that living in the certainty of grace enables me to move into an unknown future with hope. Grace is not a thing. According to Karl Rahner “grace is the Spirit of God dwelling at the heart of our existence.” Elizabeth Johnson says: “Grace is the animating force of all of human history.” And Miriam Brown, one of my Dominican sisters, says: “Grace is that in which we and all of creation “live and move and have our being.” Grac...