
I live on the third floor and have a wide view of the Eastern horizon. Lately I have been setting my alarm for 5:45 a.m., just so that I can sit in that predawn darkness and just watch out my window for those first hints of light. It is a slow but spectacular process and different every dawn. Sometimes there is a great thin slash of orange that slowly widens and changes and casts light purples across dark grey clouds. So awesome each morning. Enough to get me out of a warm and comfy bed to sit sentinel by my window appreciating the quiet predawn anticipation of the new day. So much promise. I sit at this edge, at the closing of the Liturgical year. I anticipate a Thanksgiving whose celebration will be like no other as we remain sheltering from the virus and I look forward to the beginning of Advent, the season of waiting. Seems like we have been waiting since March. What am I waiting for? I am waiting for the dawn. And I know It will come. I have already seen it. What are ...