In the Spotlight

When I am in a large group I prefer to be in the background. It's not that I don't want to be involved, but I don't like the focus of attention to be on me. All of this changed last month when I went to our motherhouse to celebrate my jubilee. For three days twelve other sisters and I were the focus of attention as we gathered with family and friends to celebrate our jubilees. As I began to read the overflowing abundance of cards and well-wishes I received I realized that the focus was not so much on me personally as it was on the witness of 50 years of living a life of faithfulness and dedication to God, the Giver of all our gifts. What we were really celebrating was all the good accomplished through us by our Creator. After that realization I stopped thinking about being in the spotlight and joined in celebrating with gratitude the presence of God in our lives during these past years and the many blessings and graces we have each received. ...