Eucharist and Dominicans

“Vamos a la mesa del Señor…” “Let us go to the table of the Lord…” Since the middle of April, I have been working at a food pantry. An unused church was converted into a pantry to address the needs of the hungry in the area. I love the idea that this food pantry was once a church where believers came to celebrate the Eucharist and participate in the other sacraments of our faith. Where we once went to receive the Eucharist, we are now acting as the Body of Christ. St. Thomas Aquinas, a 13 th century Dominican, once said: “"The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love; It signifies Love, It produces love.” Here at the Holy Family Food Pantry, we become Christ’s love for others. I believe this is what life is all about. And, you, what is life about for you? Peggy Ryan, OP Waukegan, IL ...