We Show Up

So many days of my life I get to show up with other Sinsinawa Dominicans to work on the pressing issues of the day! Here we are with 500 others at the Racial Justice Summit conference sponsored by our YWCA each year. We listened, were motivated, and met others who are working in our area to overcome the racial disparities that exist in our city, our businesses, our prisons and etc. Sound heavy? It was interesting and fun as well. As a congregation we are able to contribute some of our resource to cosponsor events like these. The contribution made it possible and desirable for some of us to attend. It is all part of the “contemplation and action” that is the basis of Dominican life. When our prayer and study show us a need for social justice we will show up. Where is prayer and study leading you? Where are you showing up these days? Joan Duerst O.P. Madison WI