What Are You Working On?

Life is a work in progress. I ask you the question: What are you working on? In my ministry life, I am working on a Day of Reflection I will give early in June. The title is: Loving Your Holy Story . Actually this will be part 1 – with part 2 in July. Sometimes, in order to love our life story, we need forgiveness - forgiveness of others – and importantly – forgiveness of ourselves. So the first part of part 1 will focus on forgiveness. As I am preparing, I am drawn into the very thing I plan to present. I am finding my spirit contemplating how forgiveness resides in me – or not! As I notice this current flowing through me, I realize that this is as much a part of the preparation as the ‘formal’ study. It is necessary in order to be authentic in my presentation. And I believe it is not accident of the Spirit of Pentecost! It is Grace abiding and moving within me. You see, I am a work in progres...