Strength in Time of Virus and Protest

How sad we have been! In the midst of sickness and death of the pandemic, we saw repeated over and over again the murder of Mr. George Floyd by those who are named peace officers. Three Dominicans share community where I live . Gratefully in the midst of such sadness and stay at home challenges we can also make one another laugh. We reflect on scripture together. Share articles of interest. Come together for wake services and Mass that are live streamed from the Mound. We take turns cooking and pray together. We mourn with those who are mourning and speak out for justice with those who are protesting. For a number of years the Sinsinawa Dominicans have supported me in the work I get to do to advocate for change in the criminal justice system with another community called MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength Equality and Solidarity.) Then there is the parish community with which I share scripture study each Friday. I am...