P.S. Living life with Passion

Recently 5 of my sisters made a you tube video entitled “Living a life with Passion.” They are relatively new to Dominican life, not to life itself. They are filled with energy, love, commitment and joy. They are following their hearts. I am nearing my golden jubilee. I was a teacher, administrator a hospital and a hospice chaplain. I loved each of these ministries and gave them my all. Three years ago, I retired due to illness. Since then I have had to live in an unknown space, one that I often listened to others talk about. I had to remember my words, tell them to myself and live into a new form of Dominican life. As this unfolds challenges abound. I am a woman living on oxygen 24 hours a day. I have slowed down but have not stopped. I have rediscovered the still small voice within me. She tells me to breathe, to write, to pray, to listen as others share theirs and prayer with me. She tells me to keep going and not to give up. She says that slowing down and not being in ac...