Feast of the Cross

September 14 th is traditionally the Feast of the Cross in the Catholic Church. Why would anyone celebrate this instrument on which Jesus died? In his day, the cross was used to kill a common criminal. It was the death penalty of first-century Palestine. Like many beliefs connected to our brother and friend, Jesus, the cross is full of paradox. Yes, it is a symbol for death. And, it is also a symbol for victory or triumph. Anytime we see a cross, we should be reminded that love will always be more powerful than hate. Peace and non-violence is much more successful than war or division. Did you not hear that in the memorials for 9/11? Forgiveness and compassion are what have lasted in the stories of that day, even after 10 years. Have you ever had anyone who would not forgive you? Or, have you ever held on to some hurt or hate in your own life? The gnawing feelings inside of us end up h...