Holding Memories Together

Dates, moments and times hold significance - some personally, some communally, some within borders some beyond borders.  In these days, remembering September 11th is significant in all these ways.

There is no one that has not been touched by what took place on 9/11/2001 and all that has followed in its wake.

In my ministry of retreats and spiritual direction, I refer to my work as the act of accompanying souls.  But we are not just our own person with our personal souls.  We are connected in so many ways.  I listen for these connections especially the connection and journey with God.

Our personal and communal souls have been marked by the shock, sadness and dilemmas of 9/11.  In these intervening years what I have heard is the desire to hope in real and deep ways; the call to be compassionate with oneself and each other and the struggle to move beyond revenge.  These are not the normative messages from most media but this is the gleanings I have had as I have listened to many people these past 10 years.

What is your soul - your spirit - holding in memory of 9/11?  What part needs Divine Grace to touch and heal that memory?

One good resource that I am finding helpful in these days is at this link.  Here you may find a poem, a mediation, even a piece of art to be helpful:


Roberta A. Popara, O.P.
North Palm Beach, FL


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