The Caboose

Yesterday as I was on my way to Dubuque, I was aware of a train on the track that ran parallel with the highway. At the end of the train was another engine. How odd I thought remembering the trains from my youth. I grew up in a small town having multiple train tracks and trains traversing the town many times during the day. Our home was situated a block away from intersecting tracks. Needless to say, we were often stopped on our way to or from somewhere by a train. We looked for the caboose because that marked the end of the train. Eventually, train cars were redesigned and cabooses were no longer needed on the trains; and I missed them. Cabooses had 2 jobs -- to mark the end of the train and more importantly, to provide stability for the train – keep it on the tracks. I began musing about the connection between cabooses and an upcoming gathering we call Community Days. Community Days has several purposes, includin...