Face-to-Face Visits!

During the past 15 months, in addition to family calls, I called four people on a regular basis. This was important for me, as I hope it was for them, because our ministry has always been relationship-based. But a phone call is not as satisfying as a face-to-face visit. So with great joy I celebrated when I became fully vaccinated. Now I could have real visits from others who were fully vaccinated. Last week I was able to invite two different people to my home. What a thrill it was to prepare lunch for one and breakfast for the other. This is something I have truly missed. There is something very special about inviting someone to your table, sharing conversation, sharing your home, and being present to one another in a face-to-face visit. In preparing for my guests' arrival I try to think of what would be the best way to show I am happy to see them and that I treasure their presence. This helps me to focus on them and n...