As I was trying to find a meaningful topic to offer for the turning of the year, I came upon this prayer from Joyce Rupp from her book, Out of the Ordinary: Prayers, Poems, and Reflections for Every Season. As we consider resolutions for a new beginning, it seems certain that these could change the world. Faithful Companion, In this new year we pray: to live deeply, with purpose, to live freely, with detachment, to live wisely, with humility, to live justly, with compassion, to live longingly, with fidelity, to live mindfully, with awareness, to live gracefully, with generosity, to live fully, with enthusiasm. Help us to hold this vision and to daily renew it in our hearts, becoming ever more one with you, our truest Selves. Amen. Which of these resolutions calls out to you? Are you up for changing your world? Erica Jordan, OP Kenosha, WI