Together, Yet Apart

For the past two Sundays the Mass celebrated at our motherhouse was video-streamed to all of us. Whether we were on the east or west coast, somewhere in between, or in Bolivia, we were able to participate in the liturgy. Here in our Madison home the three of us lit a candle and joined in the singing and prayer responses. The sisters at the Mound were in the chapel but left an empty seat between them, so it almost seemed like a normal Sunday except no peace greeting and only the priest received Communion. Sisters from all over the country and Bolivia commented on how in this time of separation we felt more united and together than we normally do. We come together in prayer because in our helplessness and vulnerability these days we know God is with us, will never leave us, and will give us the peace we so need. How are you dealing with these days of social distancing? How do you experience togetherness? Marie Lucek OP Madison, WI