Let There Be Peace on Earth
I’ve struggled with what to write about this month. I’ve been struggling with news that has come to us nationally and with news that we are living locally. I’ve struggled with what it really means to live authentically. How do I speak my truth while allowing others to speak theirs – especially when those truths so diametrically oppose each other? How to speak truth to power? When must the fruit of conscience be action? Why is it that I know I’m a beloved child of God, but sometimes forget to allow others that same heritage? What is God asking of me? Of us? While I love our Direction Statement, I’m continually drawn to our Vision: In a world graced by the Holy Spirit and yet wounded by divisions, exploitation, and oppression, we are impelled by God's tender mercy
to commit ourselves in partnership with others to seek and foster right relationships among all of God's people
and with Earth that sustains us. What a beau...