Waiting for the Right Moment

Last week I was sharing our beliefs about forgiveness with a group of women. One woman was quite distressed when she came in and when sharing began we found out why. She had just called her daughter-in-law who had hung up on her. This hadn't happened before and she wasn't sure what she should do next. The other women gave her some suggestions: don't call back immediately, but wait until both can process what happened. Wait a few days and then bring her a freshly-baked cake. Wait and then ask for the Holy Spirit to guide her in the words she chose. Pray for her daughter-in-law that she will open her heart to receive forgiveness. In all of our suggestions the key word was waiting. When we have wronged someone we decided it's best not to offer an apology immediately but to wait until the moment seems right. Forgiveness doesn't happen instantly; it needs time and prayer, and it especially needs God's grace. Have...