What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious Lent?

Perhaps you are familiar with the poet, Mary Oliver. She died a few months ago and it was only then I found out she lived a few miles north of me in South Florida. On Ash Wednesday I gave a day of reflection in which I include her poem: The Summer Day . The last line is: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” The title for this blog entry is how I adapted her words as those of us gather as Lent began. This is the only Lent we have in 2019. How did those present and how are you, using your one wild and precious Lent? I have long ago stopped using Lent to give up chocolate. Rather, I am pondering how wild (God’s gift of free will) and precious (this very moment – every moment) is my life and all life including the earth’s. I am listening to God’s call to the next action I am to take. Recently, that happened when participating in a congregati...