A Case of Mistaken Identity

Today we are cautioned to be aware of the ways our identity could be stolen or to lesser extent false charges on a credit card. That latter happened to me but was quickly caught by the c.c. company and remedied. In the early centuries after Jesus, one of his closest disciples began to experience identity theft and misrepresentations. Even though this disciple was also considered the Apostle to the Apostle, the confusion only multiplied over the centuries. The truth about this disciple's real identity did continue to be handed on through the faith community until today we know that she was not the woman in the story about adultery or other false ideas. She was Saint Mary Magdalene - follower of Jesus - and the only disciple named in all four disciples as a witness to his resurrection. She is known as the Apostle to the Apostles because she is the first preacher of the Good News: Christ is Risen! Saint Dominic, founder of the Order of Preachers, knew wel...