The Wonder of Thanks

Yesterday was Administrative Professionals Day, “a day originally created in 1952 by the International Association of Administrative Professionals. It’s a day set aside for honoring those wonderful, dedicated people who do so much to keep businesses running at peak efficiency.” So said the back of a card I found on my desk yesterday. Yes, I serve in the role of an administrative professional for the Leadership Council of our Congregation. The verse in the card and the individual messages of each of the sisters I support evoked so many smiles in me. I felt total joy, and my day was certainly made bright. So I began to reflect on what a wonder it is to express gratitude and what a difference it can make. I don’t know about you, but I often say “Thank You” without even thinking about it. What if each time I expressed my thanks to someone, I also looked that person in the eye and let him/her know that I really ...