Downsizing: Letting Go of "Stuff"

I’m planning to move! And for the first time in my life that means “ down sizing.” I ask myself, when , or why did it come to this? Over the years I’ve helped others move into smaller spaces, but never myself (unless you count when I became a Dominican!). Over the years, though, I also accumulated “stuff.” Some of it is related to whatever ministry I had at the time – books and papers, primarily – and for some reason I’ve had a hard time letting go of it all. Now is the time, though. So in the next few months I will need to remember , and to let go . Remembering takes me back to those places where I’ve been and to those things I was concerned about. I was younger then and had what seemed to be an endless lifetime ahead of me. I never even thought about getting older or not being involved in ministry. Letting go , on the other hand, means that I need to remember that I am no longer the person I once was. ...