The Feast of St. Joseph

Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived of her is of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1.20) We are often confronted in the gospels with characters that are willing to go against the grain, to take that unheard of stance, and lead with inner strength. They are courageous, hopeful, and not at all concerned about what others think. This was Saint Joseph. A good Jewish man, who knew what the law and customs required. Yet, Joseph lived his life in such a way that allowed him to go beyond the predictable. Prayer, simple living, focus, right relationship, inherent goodness, a strong desire to know and serve God – what did Joseph possess that gave him these extraordinary gifts of listening and leading? As we move through Lent, what a gift we have in our brother Joseph. What did he have and what do we have that allows for that transformed response, that alternative reply full of love, justice, ...