Praying Together

At our motherhouse the Sisters gather three times a day for communal prayer: Morning Prayer, Eucharist and Evening Prayer. Most of those who are there are retired. Many are quite frail, but there they are, three times a day. We sit facing each other “choir to choir” and I love to look at their faces, worn and wrinkled, but alive with the joy and peace that are the fruits of their years. Some can hardly see or hear, but they come. Many are leaning on walkers or canes, but they come. They come because they are faithful to what they promised long ago. They are faithful to their profession of obedience to a way of life that will someday be culminated by the jubilant encounter face to face with the God who called them. This communal prayer is built on the private prayer of each of these holy women. In the cloister of their rooms, in the sanctuary of nature, in the silence of the chapel, each one has had her unique encounter with her Creator. Each one brings her precious experience...