Making a Commitment is an Act of Faith

There are many forms of commitment and promises people make. For Dominicans, we make (or take) Vows – first, Temporary Profession and finally, Perpetual Vows/Profession – unto death. Since the beginning of the Order of Preachers in 1206 there has been a lay branch that also takes Vows. They have been referred to as Tertiaries, Third Order and now – Dominican Laity – who also are given the letters O.P. when they make their Profession. Recently, a young man (Joseph in the center of the picture) who comes for Spiritual Direction took the first step – temporary vows for three years – to become Dominican Laity. He gives much energy and creativity considering how to encourage his generation to be engaged in the life and mission of the Church. He hopes that his Dominican commitment will be a way to do this. This July, his First Vows were celebrated at the closing Mass for our annual Young Adults Retreat at which he was part of the retreat ...