The Human Race

He said to me, "It's a great day for the race!" "What race?" I responded. "The human race!" And we both continued on, chuckling to ourselves. Usually when I travel I’m alone. I don't mind it. It's a great chance to observe the human race. It's especially when I'm waiting in airports that I like to watch people walking or running by or eating at a table near me. It's really a drama, better than television. Sometimes I ask God to let me see each person with God's eyes. Can I see in each one a beautiful image of the Creator, infused with the Holy Spirit and continuing the loving service of Christ? What a gift it would be if we could always see one another in that way! In fact, we already have that gift. We just have to quiet ourselves and let it bubble up. We, too, each one of us, is God's dearly beloved. Indeed, it is a race and all of us are winners! Mary Ellen Green, OP Sinsinawa, WI