
Showing posts from April 15, 2012

Facebook “Friends”

Sometimes I am invited by 'friends' on Facebook to read something they posted on their wall or occasionally I get notifications to add someone as a friend.  Some of these notifications come from 'friends' who already have hundreds  of other 'friends!'   Today it seems there are lots of other ways in which we can count our friends.  In addition to our Facebook  friends some of us can also boast of having Followers on Twitter!   Facebook and other New Media have opened up amazing possibilities for us to connect with one another.  To even consider people we have never met as friends.   I wonder though whether we might not be letting the Social  Network determine who we are based on who we know or how many friends  we have or can count in our circle? Being a Religious Sister is no guarantee that I will be different but my call to live a vowed life, to apostolic community and ministry, to fidelity to Dominican ideals and G...

Celebrating the Paschal Mystery

How did you spend Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday? I had the privilege of celebrating this sacred time at the Mound. I led a retreat entitled: “Graced by the Paschal Mystery: Dwelling in the Sacredness of the Triduum.” Six people came together, 4 women and 2 men. We truly bonded the first afternoon when we gathered. Perhaps we connected because we all had a common desire to go deeper into the meaning of these sacred events in Jesus’ life. The symbols each day pointed the way to what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We began with the water, basin, and towel and pondered foot washing and service. On Good Friday the central symbol was the cross. We placed ourselves in John’s passion narrative and united our prayers for the suffering people of our world. On Saturday we entered into the reality of the empty tomb that was transformed into the great mystery of the resurrection, celebrated in darkness and light, story and song, water and commitment. Celebra...