Celebration of Perpetual Profession

What a grand celebration Priscilla Torres, O.P. gifted us with last weekend! Priscilla made her perpetual profession as a Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa, and there were about thirty members of the Dominican Family present to witness it, plus her family and her many friends. Priscilla is a Texan, so everything that happened over the weekend was BIG! She is also Mexican-American, with many of the participants Spanish speakers, so the liturgy was truly bi-lingual. The presider and deacon had been friends of hers since St. Louis days, and the preaching, by Mary Ann Nelson, O.P., the Director of Initial Membership, was both exquisite and poetic. There was even a mariachi band to serenade us at the reception. And while we were in San Antonio for the celebration, we enjoyed mild temps – to say nothing of the boat ride along the River Walk!! Priscilla spent a year living with our Sisters in San Antonio, and then later completed ...