The Long Arc of Relationships

If you haven't read the previous blog for July 20th - I encourage you to take time to read it. The Sister who wrote it is part of my "crowd" - we entered/joined the congregation together. As I considered what to share for this blog entry, I wanted to see what Sisters wrote in recent blogs as we continue to live in these days of pandemic and calls for racial justice. Seeing Peggy's beautiful posting had me turn toward a constellation (yes, stars) of memories and ways our lives have crisscrossed. It was a good journey - an arc of our particular relationship. During these days, weeks, and now months of living through pandemic(s), we might find our world closing in and forget the many people who have "populated" and indeed, enlivened our hearts and minds. There is a long arc of relationships worth nurturing. Who has crisscrossed through your life? Are there some whom you haven't seen for a long while? Reach out - be in touc...