
Showing posts from February 28, 2016

Sanctuary Amid All the Noise

Sanctuary.   Sanctus .   Holy.   “Sanctuary” is defined as both a place of refuge or safety and a holy place. The domestic violence crisis shelter where I minister recently moved into a new building. The Sojourner Truth House, part of Sojourner Family Peace Center, is now bright and warm and, with its carpeted and wood floors, less noisy than the old shelter. Although the old shelter served its purpose well for decades, its construction and limited space didn’t lend itself to any level of quiet.   In fact, in some ways, I think the noise added to the tension felt by the women and children seeking sanctuary from violence and abuse.   I have wondered what I can possibly offer these remarkable, resilient, and yet very wounded women and children. Why did God lead me here?   St. Augustine spoke of going to one’s “inner hermitage” to find sanctuary in communion with God. Catherine of Siena called this fertile ground our "cell of self knowledge".   ...

An Extra Day!!

Today is an extra day!!    2016 is a leap year.   Every four years or so, February has an extra day, just to keep our calendar synchronized with the movement of the earth around the sun. Without leap year, our holidays would slowly drift through the seasons.   How will you use this extra day?   Since it’s Monday, most of us will be at work or school today.   However, we do have this extra time before and/or afterwards.   It's important to me to be intentional in how I use this day.   What is it that I’ve wanted to do, but haven’t had or made the time for.  It could be for yourself or someone else? I want to choose what will be life-giving and bring positive energy to me and the universe.   There’s volunteering or in some way giving back, learning a new skill or exercising, taking a road trip or taking it easy, getting centered or getting organized.   Start a tradition of your own this year or embark on some new customs....... ...