An Extra Day!!
Today is an extra day!! 2016
is a leap year. Every four years or so,
February has an extra day, just to keep our calendar synchronized with the
movement of the earth around the sun. Without leap year, our holidays would
slowly drift through the seasons.
will you use this extra day? Since it’s Monday, most
of us will be at work or school today.
However, we do have this extra time before and/or afterwards. It's important to me to be
intentional in how I use this day. What
is it that I’ve wanted to do, but haven’t had or made the time for. It could be for yourself or someone else? I want to choose what will be life-giving and bring positive energy to me and the universe. There’s volunteering or in some way giving
back, learning a new skill or exercising, taking a road trip or taking it easy,
getting centered or getting organized. Start a
tradition of your own this year or embark on
some new customs....... .try to do something special to mark this rare(ish)
How you spend today is up to you. However, you choose to use it, I hope it’s
time well spent. Happy leap year!
How will you spend today?
Mary Ann Nelson, OP
Madison, WI
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