Where are my...(fill in the blank)?

Okay, I’ve finally learned to put my car/home/office keys in the SAME place when I get home.  But I still haven’t learned to remember where I left my glasses or my latest crossword puzzle or the flyer about a concert I now think I missed or that needed phone number I jotted down on a piece of paper – and I have a LOT of pieces of paper sitting around.  Yes, I am one of those people.  But that litany of “forgets” got me thinking about the important things I forget about until I really need them – like prayer, quiet time, reading something challenging instead of easy, actually calling my elderly cousin instead of saying, “I should really call Ruth,” and never doing it, working through a situation instead of avoiding it.   I challenge myself this week – and you – to take action, one small action, to overcome this very human weakness of losing, forgetting, neglecting something that we know is really important.  Is this easy?  Is there a shortcut I can take?  I’m afraid not.  But if we truly want to grow in faith, in self-understanding, in compassion and generosity, we have to do some work, and not forget where we put our commitment.

Priscilla Wood O.P.

Dubuque, Iowa


  1. Thanks, Priscilla for the reminder!

  2. Herbal to Cure for (HSV), via… Robinson.buckler@yahoo.com

    bacterial vaginosis
    Genital warts
    weakened immune system.
    weight loss.
    Prolonged inflammation of the lymphatic glands.
    Purple spots on the skin.
    Sores in mouth, anus or genitals.
    Memory loss.
    Depression and other neurological disorders


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