
“Oh, Freedom, and before I’ll be a slave I’ll be buried in my grave.” This is a line from a gospel spiritual. We celebrate freedom and independence this July 4th. Historically this fledgling new nation declared it’s freedom from a colonial power on this date. Dominican community life has much to teach about freedom and slavery. Unfortunately, so much of our nation focuses on rugged individualism naming that freedom. It is not uncommon for many to mistake freedom as being able to do what I want, when I want. And this is where living the common life helps me learn about freedom from and freedom for. Rubbing shoulders, sharing our life together invites me to get inside how another thinks and feels and see another way to think about and experience life. When I experience this I see how small my world has been. This is its own kind of slavery. Living, loving, praying, listening with my sisters invites me to a broader experience of truth and freedom. Now this is real Gospel. Sr. K. C. Young...