And I Sing Because.....

Music and singing have especially been such vital aspects of my life. My Mom had always said that I was singing and cooing even as a baby. I grew up in a parish on the South Side of Chicago in which I sang in the choir during my youth and teen years. I then went on to sing in three choirs at Queen of Peace and the Liturgical choir at Dominican University. So, when I arrived at Whitefish Bay, I had this constant feeling of emptiness. Something was missing, but I did not know what it was. Then, I joined All Saints Church in Milwaukee, and as I attended my first Liturgy, I heard their Gospel Choir... AND I WEPT! That is what I was missing, the music! I did not realize until that moment, that music fills my soul in such an indescribable way. I just needed to sing. That experience reminded me of one of my favorite hymnals first sung by the Gospel Queen, Mahalia Jackson, His Eye Is on the Sparrow , which says "and I sing because I'm happy, and I sing because I'm free. His eye...