
Showing posts from February 20, 2022

I am Standing on the Shoulders

I am standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me  I am honored by their passion for our liberty  I will stand a little taller, I will work a little longer  And my shoulders will be there to hold the ones who follow me   A few years ago, I would have never have imagined being alive today to see the many challenges of almost these two years.  However, I can still categorically say that I am filled with deep gratitude for the many things in my life, especially for life itself, good health, family, sisters, and friends.  Things and people that I may have previously taken for granted.     The chorus of the above song by  Joyce Johnson Rouse ,  aka “Earth Mama,” beautifully describes the gratitude that I feel for the ones who  have gone before me.  I know that I am alive and well at this challenging time in life for a reason and for a purpose.  I am here to have life and to live it...