OMG! Just when I seemed to be settling into a great rhythm of life things have changed once again for me. Once I may have thought that saying " yes" to God's call to become a sister would settle all the questions of life once and for all-- Whom shall I love? Where can I be me? What will I do to make a difference for justice? What does God want of me? I am learning, however, that there continue to be new calls within the basic call to be a follower of Jesus. As a Dominican woman I have had many experiences through which I have developed skills for ministry and community life. I love the Church. God not only gifts the Church with the message and grace of Jesus, but also challenges it through our human frailties. I have had the opportunity to serve a number of parishes and live with sisters in many places. I appreciate the gifts of the people God has put into my life. But I have also learned l to carefully hold the tensions that arise in any place wh...