What Does It Mean?

As I thought about what I might share in this blog post, more questions than particular insights flooded into consciousness.  Imaging myself sitting at the feet of my grandmother or a few wise Sinsinawa Dominicans, I share some of my questions with you.

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus, in word and deed? What does it mean to be a young woman of faith in an old Catholic Church? What does it mean to be a minister of the Word in the 800th year of the Dominican Order, a year designated to acknowledge and celebrate Dominican Women and Preaching? What does it mean to value on-going theological study, engaging in “faith seeking understanding?” What does it mean to commit to Catholic social justice teachings in a world of injustices and crimes perpetrated against the created? What does it mean to be a vowed Catholic religious and a compassionate presence and companion with the marginalized? What does it mean to be a member of an institutional Church that attempts to silence questions and censure dialogue? What does it mean to live into the Sinsinawa Dominicans Direction Statement: to “… commit ourselves to living boldly… call one another to speak courageously and risk for justice…” in 2012 and into the future?

As you can see, I have many questions. What questions do you have?

Tanya Williams, OP
St. Louis Park, Minnesota


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