What's in a Name?

The other day, I wrongly referred to last year’s place of ministry as a day shelter for homeless women. Why is this wrong? It’s wrong because putting “homeless” in front of “women” reduces them to a label, a condition, with the result being that their essence often goes unrecognized. Rather, I should have said they are women who are homeless…and who are so much more! How do we label ourselves? Who am I ? I’m a mother, sister, aunt, and friend, a lover of God, people, animals, sunrises and coffee. I’m a Dominican Sister - specifically a Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa. While each of these partially describes me as an individual, they are part of a much deeper truth that has slowly been revealed to me over the last several years. I am Dominican, which is different than being a Dominican. Being a Dominican sets me apart as an individual. Saying “I am Dominican” speaks of essence. Being Dominican draws me into the embrace of an entir...