I’m Dieting – Again!

I have been on a diet, some diet, any diet, for most of my adult life – always looking for that elusive hopefully painless way to get rid of my excess fat! I know there is no such magic, despite the ads and the TV shows and the before and after pictures in magazines that always catch my eye. It is a task I simply must take on, by myself, with discipline and courage and a willingness to forgive when I fail. I need to know what I truly hunger for – and devote myself to searching for that instead of “all the things that fail to satisfy.” Living in community, in religious life, in any life, requires the same discipline. Think of it as a kind of diet – of trying to eliminate the junk, of breaking free of what is unhealthy in my spirit, my life, my relationships, of giving the time and attention to the Source of Life; to feed my deepest hunger – to know God, to know and to search for God together with good companions. For what are yo...