Rending Your Heart

I cannot believe that Lent is already here! The challenging and beautiful journey of the Lenten period is here with us again. Unlike earlier in my life I now look forward to this special season in the church's year. You may ask why? The Lenten season for me is a representation of life. It is about the pains and joys of life. A dying to myself for forty days to hopefully rise again to new life in Jesus Christ in the Easter season. It may mean some falling down, yet I intend to rise up again and again. "Rending my heart, not my garments." Focusing more on the condition of my heart. A time where I can genuinely examine my life and try to root out what is not life-giving through consistent fasting, prayer and helping others. I try to work on the elements in my life that I know is not good for me or beneficial to others. It is an opportunity of forty days to let go of bad habits and persistent sinful behavio...