Lent: Naming My Privilege

Visiting Our Motherhouse Recently With Dominican University Students During this Lenten season, I have spent time in prayer trying to name what makes me privileged. One huge privilege for me is my ministry. As a college professor, I hang out all day with young people. I am so privileged to learn from their ways of looking at life and their openness to our world. Sometimes, my prayer offers me the invitation to get in touch with the privilege that is mine as a white woman. Whether it is while driving down the suburban streets where I live or trying to buy food at the grocery store or even trying to engage in conversation with someone else in the waiting room, I am so aware that being a white woman offers me privileges. The students of color with whom I teach and learn from do not experience these opportunities in the same way simply because of the color of their skin. I am praying this Lent to be more aware and to deepen my ...