A Hidden Attribute of Dominicans

Dominicans are known for our joy. We are also known for some other qualities, such as our love for study, and our desire to unite with others to create a holy and just society, to name just a few. One thing we may not be so well-known for is our grateful hearts. If you listen to any Dominican you know, or read anything a Dominican has written, you will hear a grateful heart. Gratefulness is not something one does; it is a way of life. It is easy to be grateful for the good stuff – the A on a paper; receiving that phone call you had been waiting for; learning that the travelers arrived safely. It is not so easy to give thanks for the moments in life that are difficult. How many of us have gone through a crisis only to come out on the other end full of appreciation for everything we have learned and all that we have gained? That is what I hear so often from my Dominican sisters – a sense of gratitude for whatever life brings. My sisters have taught me that “the good things i...