London's Heathrow Bus Terminal and Christmas…in October 2022

It is a cave of sorts. A Global collection of people are crammed together with luggage piled floor to ceiling. Unlike the donkey, trains were on strike. All faces glued, to the fine print of the ever changing billboard, announcing arrivals and departures. People with a mission and a purpose like Mary and Joseph. The door swung in, edging us closer together, and the door swung out, making room for anyone who came knocking. Are you waiting for an arrival, or for a departure? Is your purpose being lived? Here is what I gave birth to, as I waited to depart: Like Mary and Joseph, we carry a call. All we know, is something beyond our womb is calling us. We find ourselves whether male or female pregnant once again! Do we abort? Do we carry to term? We worry. How will we feed this call? Wakening, we hope all is a dream. It is a reality. We've been here before. Over and over throughout our...