Forgetfulness in an Age of Pandemics!

These are such unusual times for us all. And while our local freeways may not be as congested, I find my mind and inner spirit can become clogged. These are times that require deep faith. Jesus struggled in the garden. He knew things were way out of the ordinary. Even some of his close friends were not so trustworthy. I believe he then knew to turn to the One who is All Trustworthy. He leaned into letting go of fixed ideas and absolutes. This was a time to step into the unknown and to invite change! The Jesus of History did not know the how or where of this Change nor do any of us. The key? Remembering that I am loved and lovable is so vital during these times. This awareness can then allow me to gradually let go of the way I want things to be and edging into openness, possibility, and Blessed Assurance. How do you edge into openness? What helps you remember you ar...