Dominicans and Prayer

Prayer is one of the four pillars of a Dominican lifestyle. Along with preaching or ministry, community, and study, prayer is how we devote ourselves to a gospel way of life. We pray in common, joining with our sisters and with all the faithful, wherever we are missioned. We also develop a cherished relationship with God. Our founder, Saint Dominic used to say, “Talk to God and about God.” Prayer is how we relate to God and influences how we relate to the whole universe. Summer, with all its growth and greenery, has so much to teach us about prayer. Just this week, I have been passing the zucchini plants from our community garden on my way to the Food Pantry. Each plant, with its bright yellow flower still bursting forth from the stem, seems to be growing bigger on a daily basis. By the time this vegetable ends up on the table of one of our neighbors to provide a savory meal and sustenance, the zucchini will have “...