
Showing posts from June 23, 2013


A month from today will mark the 10 year anniversary of my embarking upon this journey to vowed Dominican life.  I began that journey on July 28, 2003.  Throughout the formation period I gradually began to identify myself as a Dominican sister.  I had an experience this past weekend which confirmed that identity. I was called to represent our Congregation and preach on behalf of our Bolivia, Mexico, and Trinidad & Tobago missions.  I felt humbled to have been invited to step into this role.  Though I have never been a missionary outside of the United States, after reading the stories of our sisters in these mission locations and having formed relationships with each of them, I believed the Holy Spirit would inspire me to deliver a message to the people of God in 2 small parishes in Iowa.  After I had done the preparation for the preaching and “let go and let God” during the actual delivery, I could hear the plea for the congregat...

The Good Shepherd

Isaiah 40:11 Like a shepherd he feeds his flock; In his arms he gathers the lambs, Carrying them in his bosom, Leading the ewes with care. I have been reflecting on the Good Shepherd.  May I share with you what that means to me? Several years ago, my son, Pete, did some volunteer work for several months on the Black Mesa Navajo Reservation in northern Arizona.  Among other things, he daily shepherded about 100 sheep and 20 goats, leading them to water and food.  In preparation for this work, he was required to read a lot of instructions, including lists of “do’s” and “don’ts”.  One of the don’ts was that, if a lost sheep was found, it was to be picked up and held away from one’s body.  Why? Because when held close to the shepherd’s body, the lost sheep picks up that shepherd’s natural scent which could cause the sheep’s mother to reject it. I think it is so cool knowing our Creator seeks us and gently holds us close, marking us ...