Living Life “Even Unto Death”

Our act of perpetual profession of vows, made to God, to our prioress and her successors, ends with the words, “even unto death”. We make profession publicly. By the same token, we live publicly – regardless of our particular ministry, our age, or our time in the congregation. We are called to live our vows in the daily-ness of life – even unto death. Recently, one of our dear 60 th Jubilarians at St. Elizabeth Manor – Sr. Mary Louis “Louie” Russley, died a mere days after her Diamond Jubilee. Louie was a quiet, steady spark in our community at the end of her life, just as she was a force in education, science and law earlier in her life. Despite a decline in memory, Louie engaged everyone, was kind to everyone, daily marveled at the awesomeness of Creation, and loved unconditionally. It was our privilege to know her and to witness how she lived her vows, even unto death and into the arms of Mystery.