
I hope that you are experiencing spring time in your spirit, as well as in the weather. Today I’d like to share an experience of discernment. I don’t want to share thewhat or why, but rather, the experience of entering into a process of discernment of a life issue. The dictionary meanings of discernment are: 1: to detect with the eyes: DISTINGUISH; 2: DISCRIMINATE;3: to come to know or recognize mentally. The third definition is what I've experienced. When you need to make an important life decision it is important to take the process seriously and be totally open to whatever might unfold... Tune into all of the external and internal stirrings... Be AWARE, turn up your antennae to those vibes and sensations. .. MEDITATE with an open heart and mind... Be willing to SHARE your discernment with those whose insight you value, as well as those close to you and those that may bring a totally different take on this... Be willing to LISTEN to those who might give you new insights and under...