Reflecting - Retirement & Moving


When Sisters began composing reflections for the Vocation Blog, those of us who volunteered to write were challenged to tell the story of what is happening in our everyday lives as Sisters.  So, here is what is going on with me now. 


On June 30, I retired from my ministry of providing administrative support for the Prioress and Leadership Council.  In addition, sometime in August, I will be moving from my current residence in East Dubuque to be in community with a group of our Sisters at Chapel Garden in Milwaukee.


There have been some gatherings of Sisters and our staff at the Mound to mark the events for which I am very grateful.  However, needless to say, the angst I am feeling in the midst of two rather significant changes in my everyday life is quite daunting. God and I are conversing about this whole scenario, and I’ve also found having dialogues with other Sisters has been very helpful, reassuring, and comforting.  I am so grateful for the support of our Sisters.


I asked myself if this situation was any different from the same kind of scenario that could happen if I were not a Sister.  Maybe not, but the real answer is that I know I was called to enter this Congregation of religious women, and that has made all the difference for me.


Are you someone who thrives in the middle of challenging changes?

Have you felt called to join us and discover new beginnings?

Anne Sur

East Dubuque Iowa


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