“The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert”

Did you catch these two shows in the last couple of weeks?  They both featured interviews with Catholic women – The Daily Show had a moral theologian and law professor from Notre Dame, Cathleen Kevany, and Stephen Colbert interviewed House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, on Ash Wednesday.

It’s a political season and so Jon Stewart’s interest had been picqued by several controversial topics related to religious issues brought up by a Catholic Republican candidate.  Yet, the conversation was amazingly thoughtful (and also very entertaining J - including when he spoofed the Pope setting up a Twitter account!).

I was reminded of how important it is to stay abreast of what others find important, even – or, especially – when they are from a different background or a different generation.   This is a great Lenten practice, to say nothing of an essential practice for anyone who is serious about preaching God’s love for all. Being open to change, to being changed begins when we are willing to pay attention.  

What grabs your attention this Lent?

Ruth Poochigian, O.P.
Madison WI


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